Ocular rosacea is a common problem that I encounter so I have created this site for the latest infomation on rosacea, chalazia and lid inflammation. I regularly update this with new information and treatments. I hope that we can provide you with the background information to understand these conditions and help you with your problems.
Ocular rosacea causes inflammation and blockage of the oil glands on the lid margin. Many patients have sore eyes and complain of chronic discomfort , burning, irritation and fatigue. This is because the tears are not good quality ( they are missing the oily layer) and may evaporate fast and not cover the eye surface well. Blepharitis is irritation of the lashes with itchiness and burning.
Associated diseases Acne rosacea and rhinophyma. Blepharitis and meibomionitis can be associated with skin conditions such as acne rosacea, where the skin is thick and oily.